Some characters that were initially created were later dumped, since the game was gaining too much of a random cast. Instead, the MK4.5 team focused on Mopologies characters. Characters to have been dumped:

Stone Cold Steve Austin (replaced Jarek)
Trent Reznor (replaced Quan Chi
Morpheus (replaced Kai)
Grendel (replaced Quan Chi - after Trent Reznor)
Seven of Nine (replaced Tanya)
Smoke_Rulz (replaced Sonya)
Casablanca Scorpion (replaced Scorpion)
Footie Tang (replaced Fujin)

Footie Tang Morpheus and Casablanca Scorpion Smoke_Rulz and Grendel Stone Cold Steve Austin

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Mopologies is a concept by dominosr, all rights reserved. All the material and characters on this site are the creative property of their respective owners. Balzax Productions, the Mark of Balzax and all related characters and names are trademarks of Before you staple the Mopologies name to a game of your own creation, please contact the site - we're pretty anal about that stuff, see.