Patrick Duffy

Behind The Mop
Partly inspired by South Park's Scuzzlebutt (who has Patrick Duffy for a leg), Duffy was introduced into MK by Brandogg. Over time, he grew out to be one of the biggest villains among the fake characters.

Duffy impersonates Johnny Cage

Duffy's MK2 bio

Duffy impersonating Reptile before the fight

Announcer sound clip

Check out Patrick Duffy in:
Mortal Kombat Mopologies III: Balzax
Mortal Kombat 4.5
Mortal Kombat Platinum

Mopologies is a concept by dominosr, all rights reserved. All the material and characters on this site are the creative property of their respective owners. Balzax Productions, the Mark of Balzax and all related characters and names are trademarks of Before you staple the Mopologies name to a game of your own creation, please contact the site - we're pretty anal about that stuff, see.