To hold their fans over during a period where the project was slowing down, the MK4.5 team promised a lot of new screenshots and concept art for Halloween.

Concept Art


-Dave powerbombs his evil counterpart
-Dave gets roundhoused
-Dave & Dave
-Evil Dave's screensmash
-Dave launches an energy bolt
-Evil Dave is hit
-Evil Dave explodes

Patrick Duffy
-Duffy's Static Hand Fatality
-Duffy uses Scorpion's spear
-Duffy pulls out his Toothpick
-FatSatan gets crushed underfoot

-SuperFS tumbling down the well
-Kung Fu FS breaking Jugs' back
-FatSatan tossing Jugs into the sky
-FatSatan's LSD bolt
-Jugs eats feet

-Alternate Jane breaks Toke's neck
-Red Jane gives FatSatan a kiss goodbye
-Jane launches her ammonia blast

-John adjusts FatSatan's kneecap
-John, about to slamdunk FatSatan
-Unmasked John's ammonia blast
-Alternate John mop-percuts FatSatan
-FatSatan's all over the place

-Joke leaves little of Duffy
-Joke grabs Duffy
-Joke tosses deadly flowers

-Jugs spits acid
-Jugs snaps his twin's neck
-Jugs twirls around

-Brandon wins
-LKW's shadow kick
-LKW tumbles down the well
-LKW casting a bucket
-LKW about to tear Bob Saget apart

Pink Ninja
-Pink Ninja does a dive kick
-Pink Ninja's moves
-Acidic vomit

-Duffy frozen in fecal matter
-Stinky, but victorious

-Toke's screensmash
-Gayrax at Toke's feet
-Toke loses

-Whoro about to pound Gayrax' chest in
-Whoro bitch-slaps Gayrax
-Whoro snaps Gayrax like a twig

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Mopologies is a concept by dominosr, all rights reserved. All the material and characters on this site are the creative property of their respective owners. Balzax Productions, the Mark of Balzax and all related characters and names are trademarks of Before you staple the Mopologies name to a game of your own creation, please contact the site - we're pretty anal about that stuff, see.