Welcome to Cli-Maxx Theatre, where Fragile-Minds displays its cinematic talents in the form of various Flash clips. Many of these clips were created for specific purposes or sites. Enjoy your stay, don't sit in the isles, and if I catch you throwing popcorn at the screen I'll break off your legs and stuff them in your eyesockets. Oh, and try the raisins. They're the only thing I didn't piss in.
Title: Monkey Island: Director's Cut
Author: FatSatan
Size: 293 kb
Resolution: 640x400 (320x200 enlarged)
Approx. length: 1 minute, 20 seconds
Date: 2-13-2002
Description: Remember the Three Trials you had to go through in the Secret of Monkey Island to become a pirate? Well, there was one more...
Title: Monkey Island 2: Outtakes
Author: FatSatan
Size: 627 kb
Resolution: 640x288
Approx. length: 6 minutes +
Date: 7-27-2003
Description: A collection of movies that show the things Monkey Island 2 didn't... Keep your mouse ready to find some secrets in the background, too.
Title: Warcraft 2: Taxes of Darkness
Author: FatSatan
Size: 636 kb
Resolution: 640x480
Approx. length: 50 seconds
Date: 2-27-2002
Description: When the Horde starts employing Tax Collectors to make an extra buck, the Peons rebel.
Title: Starwarcraft
Author: FatSatan
Size: 776 kb
Resolution: 640x480
Approx. length: 50 seconds
Date: ?-?-?
Description: When I first read the title "Starcraft" on the back of the Warcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal instruction manual, this is what I envisioned.
Title: Grading Up Grading Up Grading
Author: FatSatan
Size: 790 kb
Resolution: 400x300
Approx. length: 2 minutes, 50 seconds
Date: 3-11-2002
Description: A colorful clip of Megaman in several of his forms, accompanied by the dozens of Robot Masters he's had to face, set to the music of Daft Punk's "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger."
Title: Further, More, Bigger, Better
Author: FatSatan
Size: 2188 kb
Resolution: 400x300
Approx. length: 3 minutes, 30 seconds
Date: 5-7-2002
Description: The sequel to "Grading Up Grading Up Grading", starring more SNES characters this time, featuring "Aerodynamic" by Daft Punk.
Title: Titanium Rhapsody
Author: FatSatan
Size: 994 kb
Resolution: 400x300
Approx. length: 5 minutes, 40 seconds
Date: 10-26-2003
Description: The cast of Megaman 7 performs Queen's masterpiece "Bohemian Rhapsody."
Title: Crash & Bass, the 100th comic
Author: FatSatan
Size: 1330 kb
Resolution: 754x190
Approx. length: 6 minutes
Date: 01-04-2003
Description: The 100th comic of Crash & Bass! Dr. Light's hologram explains to Bass and Crashman what happened in the past, after their disappearance.
Title: Crash & Bass: Back From The Future, Back To The Past
Author: FatSatan
Size: 1199 kb
Resolution: 380x380
Approx. length: 4 minutes
Date: ?-?-?
Description: Crash & Bass have been sent to the past to fix their error... but at the same time, their past selves are about to make it.
Title: Crash & Bass, the 200th comic
Author: FatSatan
Size: 593 kb
Resolution: 400x300
Approx. length: 2 minutes, 25 seconds
Date: 05-04-2004
Description: Crash & Bass celebrate their 200th comic with a unique 16-bit rock concert, with many other sprite comic authors making guest appearances.
Title: Hateful Chris in: The Object Of My Aggression
Author: FatSatan
Size: 156 kb
Resolution: 450x250
Approx. length: 40 seconds
Date: ?-?-?
Description: Hateful Chris puts an end to the thing he hates most (created for the Hateful Chris contest on I-Mockery.com).
Title: Over Integratie
Author: ACJ
Size: 7,59 MB
Resolution: 600x400
Approx. length: ?
Date: 2003
Description: Integration —Integratie in Dutch— was the subject of this project I participated in during my third year Graphic & Typographic Design at the Royal Academy of Arts. More information can be found here.
Title: Thug Life - a Documentary
Author: Krypton Dog
Size: 74 kb
Resolution: 550x400
Approx. length: 40 seconds
Date: ?-?-?
Description: Dramatized re-enactment of the cruel life of the streets.
Title: Fuck You, Bonzi Buddy
Author: FatSatan
Size: 212 kb
Resolution: 350x300
Approx. length: 45 seconds
Date: ?-?-?
Description: Your average, run-of-the-mill Bonzi Buddy-killing movie, made once as filler content for Fragile-Minds.com.
Title: Neil & Fuck
Author: FatSatan
Size: 63 kb
Resolution: 400x300
Approx. length: 30 seconds
Date: ?-?-?
Description: I like Fuck's shoes.
Series: Rats? I hate rats...
Apple pie? (145 kb, FatSatan)
Fire? (48 kb, FatSatan)
Hypnotic messages? (18 kb, FatSatan)
Midgets? (9 kb, FatSatan)
Description: No doubt you've heard of the Internet fad where people take the phrase "Rats? I hate rats. They drive me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room full of rats." and insert a different word for "rats", then make anything from pictures to animated gifs to Flash clips out of it. Fragile-Minds.com provides support.
Title: Shoot Kelly Osbourne
Author: FatSatan
Size: 138 kb
Resolution: 550x400
Approx. length: ?
Date: ?
Description: Here's what happens when you give in to your hatred of celebrities; you make a shitty Flash game about them. Yeah, I'm sorry.
Title: Friendship
Author: FatSatan
Size: 625 kb
Resolution: 550x400
Approx. length: ?
Date: 5-30-2004
Description: We give you an important message.
Title: A Tribute to David Hasselhoff
Author: FatSatan
Size: 1.67 MB
Resolution: 550x400
Approx. length: ?
Date: 6-1-2004
Description: A tribute to the Hassle, the Hoffmeister! The dude that brought us Knightrider, Baywatch, and popularity only in German-speaking countries!
Want to see more bizarre Flash movies and games? Check out the collected works of Dominosr and FatSatan at:
All original titles, names and material are copyrighted by Fragile-Minds.com. Nothing from this site may be reproduced without express consent from the creative owners. For more information, contact us through fatsatan at fragile-minds dot com. Stealing or leeching bandwidth from this site is an offense against the Yiddish race and will be met with deadly force.