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Crash & Bass Flash comic #100
Crash & Bass Flash comic #125
Crash & Bass Flash comic #200

Visit these other great sites!

Sprites Inc. Life of Wily Rushman's Comics The UT Saga
Agnar's Domain Sonic Spin Forums Co-Authors ClockworkBob
Buster Blade Kule Inc. Prince Kenshin's
Anime Access
System Down
Moeman Works
Comic Domain
The Hunter's Post
Home of Megaman

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This comic owes a debt of inspiration to Bob and George, the Comic Strip. Spritesheets provided by Sprites Inc. Crashman, Bass, and all characters from the Megaman videogame series are the creative property of Capcom. All original titles, names and material are copyrighted by Nothing from this site may be reproduced without express consent from the creative owners. For more information, contact the author.